Sunday 5 December 2010


I have been deep in production over the last few days so here's an update to the assignment:

I was able to hire out a Nikon D40 DSLR camera from the photography department which was useful as I was able to take better quality images with it. The preparation for the shooting has taken ages.
I started by choosing the font I wanted, even after looking at lots of different fonts on the web, I decided upon a preset 'Word Art' one which was large, bold and plain on the inside, this was perfect as I would be able to fill it in with colouring pencils when printed out. This is shown below:

Before I printed it, I had an idea to do the entire thing on the computer using screen shots, I did a little test of this, the video of which is below:

I deemed that it would not be suitable as I would not be able to certain scenes such as the cutting by the scissors; so instead I proceeded to print of the frames I needed. I printed of 15 copies of the same page and 5 of the word on the page twice for me to cut out and use.

As soon as I started to take pictures I changed the storyboard slightly, I decided to get more movement shots in so I made it seem as if the letters that make up the word were travelling to the page the effect of which I found very effective.

The total time it took me to take all the necessary pictures was around 19 hours over a stretch of three days, the initially predicted 150 images and 1 minute 15 seconds seemed in hindsight a stupid prediction as the final number of pictures hit nearly 800 with the time not hitting 3 minutes 1 second. Throughout the production I again made several changes and modifications to the original storyboard all of which I feel were appropriate and made the overall effect better.

Here is the first draft of the video.

Here's a short bit of footage I shot while I was in the middle of creating it all:

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